jueves, 23 de abril de 2020



Envío las soluciones de las preguntas sobre la historia del tema 7. Por cierto, ya he recibido unas cuantas y vais haciendo caso a lo de usar frases completas en las respuestas. ¡Muy bien!

Recuerda que cuando usamos este signo /, significa que valen las dos opciones, pero no juntas. 
Ejemplo. "The watch was / It was. The watch was in the living room or It was in the living room". OK?

1. The watch is missing.

2. The watch / It was in the living room.
    Other option is the watch was in the nest.

3. There is a feather under the wardrobe.

4. The children follow the magpie.

5. The magpie / It is flying to the island.

6. In the nest, they find the bracelet and the watch. / They find the watch and the bracelet in the nest.

Or They find shiny things in the nest.

7. The children / They put sweet wrapper and shiny marbles in the nest.

8. Mum's watch / It was in the nest.

9. A magpie / It is a bird.

10. The castle / It was on the island.

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